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What is a Website Backend? A Beginners Guide Learn with Diib®

By October 12, 2022 August 28th, 2023 No Comments

In fact, expect to earn almost double the national average salary in countries such as the U.S. and Australia. Koa is a web framework designed to be lightweight and expressive. It uses modern JavaScript features and allows developers to write middleware in a more concise and elegant way. Flask provides everything necessary to develop web applications without requiring any other particular tools. It is highly customizable and scalable, and complements a wide range of libraries and tools. Keep reading to learn more about the best server side frameworks available in the market.

  • For static sites, all the necessary information that determines what’s on the web page is in the frontend code itself.
  • The Ruby on Rails active record library is quite capable, and the need for developing a query in SQL is reduced.
  • Most of the server-side code parsing of web pages is handled on the middle-end web server.
  • Continue reading to learn more web development backend technologies.
  • In addition, frontend developers design and develop with many of the most popular and most used browsers in mind.

Developers will witness effective workflow with Webpack, Maven or Gradle to make applications. In an application, the backend is used to configure databases, servers, interfaces and operating systems. The activity of the backend may involve a lot of things like user login, ordering and paying for objects, texting, searching, location services. Also any function that needs to send, receive or manipulate the data from the database is considered as a part of backend operations. Any developer that want to create web applications would most likely require to have hands on a back-end API.

A guide to Top APIs for Backend

Together, front-end and back-end development combine to create interactive, visually pleasing websites. Python has been steadily growing in popularity for the last few years. It finally took the top spot ahead of C in 2021 and has since expanded its lead. This is especially true as new tools and frameworks are created for Python that makes it more powerful and easier to use. These professions are responsible for front-end and back-end development. A complete understanding of python plays an essential part in these roles.

A key component of backend programming is using a server-side scripting programming language. The main focus of a backend developer’s work is to create and maintain services and programs that help the front end function. If you’re intrigued by all the happenings behind the scenes of websites, another career option is becoming a Back-End Engineer. Back-End Engineers tend to take a big picture view of the back end, essentially serving as architects — designing entire systems and overseeing entire projects. For example, a server might serve up an HTML file, send data as JSON, or it might send back only an HTTP status code.

The best 10 backend frameworks for your web application

If you like the idea of working with visual designs and bringing them to life, creating a first-class user experience, then you’ll probably enjoy working in the frontend. As you can see, both sides have very different roles, and that’s why there is a frontend vs backend debate. But it’s the two working together that ultimately defines user experience and makes it possible for a website to function at all. A database stores website content in a structure that makes it easy to retrieve, organize, edit, and save data.

What is backend example

The idea is that by using Firebase, you don’t need your own application servers. Nobody (literally just 2% of StackOverflow survey respondents) wants to learn PHP. Like Java, it’s not the best or sexiest language but it’s worth knowing. Meta in particular has used it to develop Facebook’s backend since 2004. Go is the fastest-growing and most-desired backend language, used by companies like Uber, YouTube, and Spotify.

Back-End Development

Basically, the backend is the programmer’s code that deals with server-side operations, including CRUD functions with database and all server logic. Aside from these languages and databases, I’d recommend looking into a few other domain-specific technologies if you’re interested in going as deep as you can into back-end development. While only 8.72% of Stack Overflow respondents use Firebase, it does have some pretty nifty use cases. This cloud hosting means that you can store and sync data between users in real time.

What is backend example

Next, it’s worth learning Flask and Django, which are two of the most popular back-end frameworks for Python web development. Flask is effectively a micro version of Python that’s easy to learn and implement. The three main parts of back-end development include the server, application, and database. Back-end developers need to ensure that these three components function and work together. The “front-end” of a website refers to the user interface or the portion the user sees. The term “back-end” refers to the server, application and database; the part the users don’t see.

What are the main frontend development languages?

Most common example of Backend programming is when you are reading an article on the blog. The fonts, colors, designs, etc. constitute the frontend of this page. While the content of the article is rendered from a server and fetched from a database. The scope, approach, and focus of web development bootcamps vary by organization. They typically provide hands-on, project-based training and cover programming fundamentals, single-page applications, interactive web applications, and deployment.

What is backend example

On the contrary, the monthly charges of its Production plan start from $25. Similarly, it is also very scalable to extend and reduce the backend of your app when you deploy and host it on IaaS platforms. Hopefully, it will assist backend developers, front end developers, and full stack developers in making the right decision. The main differentiator between Redis and MongoDB is that it uses an in-memory key storage value. This means that data is stored on the host’s RAM, not on the desk. This makes it fast – it can make millions of requests per second.

It provides third-party developers with the option of building and hosting their apps on private, public or virtual private servers. Adding to the many benefits of Accelerator, it also provides its users with  in-depth insights. Developers can conveniently keep track of app installed and  if you wish to keep status of  retention and contribution levels, it can  easily be done  with this BaaS.

What is backend example

It stores and arranges data, and also makes sure everything on the client side of the website works fine. It is the portion of software that does not come in direct contact with the users. The parts and characteristics developed by backend designers are indirectly accessed by users through a front-end application.