
9 really good reasons to call out sick

By June 14, 2021 November 3rd, 2022 No Comments

This list of excuses for calling off work will give you the confidence to use them when the moment comes. Give you permission to work from home until you’re healthy enough to return to the office. Before we wrap things up, let’s talk about some poor reasons to call out of work. Giving these reasons as an excuse not to show up can backfire on you, as it can make you look unmotivated or lazy. What you shouldn’t do is lie and say that something serious came up when it didn’t. If the problem is something that won’t go away in a day or two, though, your boss might ask you to start working from a cafe, coworking space, or a friend’s house. If you have no electricity in your home, your boss probably won’t expect you to work.

Employers may be suspicious because unfortunately, some employees tend to abuse leave time. You may be requested to provide documentation in some situations to justify your reasons to miss work.

Bad Idea #7 – It’s my birthday and I’m celebrating

The survey also asked 1,000 non-executive employees about which conditions they were most likely to lie to their boss about. Workers suffering from mental illnesses such as anxiety, depression, and stress were most likely to withhold the truth from their managers. Food poisoning hits hard and fast, plus it can be pretty unexpected. If you need a foolproof excuse for getting out of reasons to call out of work work, claiming food poisoning is the one you need. Just remember not to go in the next day and eat tacos for lunch or something – that might hamper your credibility. This excuse works any time there’s a local or national election, especially if your candidate doesn’t win. Just let your boss know that you’re suffering from electoral heartbreak and you need a few days to recover.

Wrongful Discharge/Termination of Employment

If you feel that you have been wrongfully fired from a job or let go from an employment situation, you may wish to learn more about your state’s wrongful discharge laws.Wrongful Discharge/Termination LawsWrongful termination or wrongful discharge laws vary from state to state.Some states are “employment-at-will” states, which means that if there is no employment contract (or collective bargaining agreement), an employer can let an employee go for any reason, or no reason, with or without notice, as long as the discharge does not violate a law.If you feel you have been wrongfully discharged or terminated from employment, you may: Contact your state labor office for more information on wrongful termination laws in your state.Seek legal counsel if your employer terminated you for any reason not covered under state or federal law.You may also be eligible for unemployment compensation and extension of your health care benefits.Employer Guidance for Discharge/TerminationIf you are an…  Ещё

Loss of a loved one- Most organizations support bereaved employees and understand the need to take time off to process the death of their loved one. The amount of paid time off typically depends on the relationship between the employee and the recently passed. Again, you should check your company’s policies regarding bereavement leave and how much time you can miss from work due to the loss of a loved one. Often referred to as work lawyers, employment lawyers are attorneys who specialize in employment law and represent workers in all positions across many industries. If an employee decides to resign from his or her job, it is normal and expected to provide their employer with two weeks’ notice. Regardless of why a person is leaving their job, it is considered professional to give their employer enough time to make plans to cover the absence.

You’ve got a sick child to take care of.

Bring up that you have a few of these on this day, and it’s better to take the day off. It could be that you have a lot of personal appointments, like a dentist’s or a veterinarian’s appointment. A good excuse is relatable, believable, and somewhat honest. Let’s start with what makes up a good excuse to call out of work and what makes up a bad excuse to call out of work.

  • Use this excuse at the last minute, or even the night before if their “illness” is severe.
  • Migraines usually don’t require doctor’s notices, either.
  • Sometimes, we all need a day to just forget about our responsibilities and stressors.
  • Make sure you have a list of contacts for emergency repairs and keep some money saved up in case you need to pay for them out-of-pocket.

This is one of the easiest excuses to use, with or without a car. If you’re unable to get your car to the shop for repairs, let your boss know ahead of time and give them an estimate as to how long you’ll be out of work.

Medical Appointments

Whether you just need a day off and are looking for an excuse or you are wondering which reasons to get out of work your boss will accept as legitimate, read on. Receive job search tactics to find the best opportunities for you and tips for crafting your resume for remote-friendly employers. If you’re going to have a lengthier appointment—or if the commute to and from the doctor’s office is far—it might be worth your while to call off work, at least for part of the day. That way, you can focus on your health without worrying about catching up with work later. When you must miss work, try to provide a valid excuse that is related to your job. Other potential reasons for missing work include forgetting something important, being sick or injured, and having a conflict with your boss.

reasons to call out of work

You can also discuss anything you’ll be providing them that supports the reason you gave as being valid, such as a doctor’s note. In most cases, your employer will simply deal with it if you don’t miss work that often. However, if short notice absences become a pattern, they may view the situation differently. Even if you’re offering decent reasons to call out of work, doing so repeatedly makes you seem unreliable and could cause them to fire you. In some cases, not calling in could be a health or safety issue for you or other employees. As a result, it can be better to call out last-minute than put others at risk.